Tonight I received an email from my friend, Peggy Dolan, who is Executive Director of the Kelly Anne Dolan Memorial Fund. She wrote:
“We received a very sad request yesterday for these parents who had a preemie a year and a half ago – the baby has never been home having spent most of her life in the NICU and then in a long-term care facility. She is being discharged soon however and the parents have nothing. They had moved from one area (leaving jobs behind) so they could be near their daughter. I figure you and your “baby generating” group of friends might have baby stuff to dispose of if there are no further plans for expansion! Could you please get the word out for us?”
Sadly, Peggy’s Fund receives these types of requests for support everyday. More information on the Fund may be found at
I thought I would use today’s entry to get the word out. If you have any baby items to donate, I am more than happy to receive and deliver. Thanks for reading this one!