Looking to donate to help Ukraine? Check out the list that the Philanthropy Network of Greater Philadelphia put together, as well as some additional resources and links from the nonprofit sector.
The Center for Disaster Philanthropy has begun to develop a disaster profile for the crisis unfolding in Ukraine. While the critical needs are still being assessed, they have established the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Recovery Fund that will focus on addressing humanitarian needs that arise, particularly among the most vulnerable, marginalized and at-risk internally-displaced peoples (IDPs) and refugees.
Philaea, a new organization formed by the merger of Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (Dafne) and the European Foundation Centre (EFC), has started a resource page that they will continue to update.
The Philadelphia Inquirer is compiling a list of some organizations currently helping people in Ukraine. You can email them with any suggestions for nonprofits they should consider adding to the list.
Additional Resources
Dr. Beth Gazley, “How to responsibly donate to Ukrainian causes,” The Conversation
Nick Deychakiwsky, “Philanthropy in Ukraine: How to help,” Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
Staff Member, “Organizations Supporting Ukraine,” Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
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